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Ceiling Leak

Roof Repair

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Plastic Sheeting


Unit 214 PIC


Drainage Issues

Please review our latest issues with faulty construction and design with Praxis and Forge Engineering regarding our unit. My last meeting with the Board was with Brett and Art with my concerns of the drainage of the roof off my lanai. Brett got up with me on a ladder and viewed the gutter on my lanai that was now going to be responsible for all the rain coming to this one point versus the prior dispersion using other drains. Felix and Art assured me that it would not be a problem and that I was over reacting. In fact, Art followed up with me and said he had viewed my situation several times without any issues regarding excess water spillage from the drainage during heavy rains. Upon getting back in early November, after replacing my patio and sealing the patio and the joints, I had noticed that weeds were coming up all over the patio thru my joints. I have treated them with spray 4 times since and I also had fire ants digging through joints in many locations. I do have pictures of the damage done by the fire ants. had not had either of these two events happen since I bought the unit in 2019. It was not until we had the rain on Saturday, Jan. 6, did I discover what the real issues that had created these conditions as show on these videos below.

213 Rain Issues 1/6/24

213 patio overflow part 1

213 patio gutter overflow part 2

213 Dining room roof with improper drip edge

It is clear that the joints had been washed out by the cascading waves coming out of the gutter onto my patio. This condition has led to the washout of my joints leading to weeds and fire ants. In addition, waves of water are coming down my screens and into the patio thus creating more deterioration of the screens. Our dining room windows are experiencing the same type of damage similar to earlier damage since we just had water damage repaired with the walls repaired and painted. There has been no diversion from the exterior wall of the water coming down over the windows. Rich Stoller, my home watch person, checked it out and he informed me that the rain we had on that Saturday happens more often in the summer and it is the reason for my patio washing out.

200 300 drain
